So Jill @ has been a huge help to me lately. It's taken me long enough to sing her praises and to shout out where the credit is due. Thanks to her, I can now confess the following:
1. I can truly see the value of something versus only seeing the negative
2. I already knew how to sew (Thank you, Granny) but just sewing for pleasure and not merely for repairing purposes is 100% Jill.
3. Goodwill Clearance Centers are awesome! (They're pretty much the cheapest thrift store around here)
4. Wear plastic gloves not the winter mittens I see some people wearing (Everything can penetrate that, honey.)
With that being said, I know I'm not the only one that shops at Goodwill Clearance Centers. The number of people in the store including me proves that time and again. People of all demographics, not just those of us that don't have or are just adamantly refusing to spend the money that it takes to shop at places even like WalMart (That's me. I simply refuse to spend it now that I know how far my dollar can truly go.)
I didn't take pictures of my first visits but K and I were talking and I was wanting to show everything I got so not only does K get to see, so does everyone else who may stumble across this blog.
Keep in mind that a lot of these are going to be refashioned, cleaned, fixed, etc. I will use every single piece.
The bag o' goodies and the receipt:
You know, just for proof :) |
The bowling ball bag...I have a totally different use for this. Tutorial will be forthcoming.
Cute Cherry Cobbler printed tea towel and a delicate hanky (it was clean! And yes, I did smell it.)
So cute, no idea what I'll do with it but for pennies, how could I pass it up? |
It wasn't really .25, that was left from a garage sale reject. |
Now all of these clothes:
Capris, who cares if they're too big- I can take 'em in :) |
Too big skirt, again, I can take it in :) |
Hideous 80s dress but a few snips and I see a pretty top I can wear out. |
Close up. Meow! |
Super vibrant cardi. It has damage around a buttonhole but I know how to get around it :) |
Awesome shirts. The tie-dye looking thing is too big but the dolman sleeves are perfect! |
Too big shorts that I have plans for skirts. |
Just a few accessories. Yeah, that's a fur collar. I'm thinking Halloween on that one. The purses are perfect! Some leather cleaner and sanitizing and I'll be set. |
Awesome dresses! I can't wait to grab my Ginghers and start snipping. |
Some A line skirts- I'm thinking a a cute dress for the one on the left. |
How freaking awesome are these tanks!? The octopus is just super cute. The white is classic and the other is funky. |
Loving the length and print. Poor baby, that's all it has going for it. I'll be ginghering that asap! |
Close up of the print. Bad ruffles, bad! |
Some shirts and a scarf. The striped only has the stripes and length going for it. The Realtree print is screaming Halloween, the child's shirt was only bought because of the owl print. and the Indian Scarf is just beautiful. |
Hope you enjoyed seeing my scores.
I'll try not to take a month in between posting. I've been doing arts and crafts, I've just been lazy about taking pictures.
EMERGENCY UPDATE!!! I know this sounds mean but here's a little tip: Sanitize everything! I don't take it out of the bag unless it's going straight into the wash or being cleaned by hand. On that note, yes I did Lysol my carpet where all of those clothes were laying after I put everything back in the bag that wasn't going into the washing machine yet. Jill may see used needles, I see undergarments with brown crotches. Just saying. Ick.
5/12/13 update: K saw this update after reading the post from today and asked me a good question that I want to make sure I share with everyone. K asked if what I bought had brown crotches. NO! What had brown crotches were little boy's boxers that someone thought was okay to donate. Um- NO! Those are to be thrown out immediately- don't even try to wash those- that's just disgusting. Some people...ugh, I tell ya are beyond comprehension.
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