Monday, October 22, 2012

KT Tape Update- Shin Splints- Toe Tussle

The KT Tape seems to help. It doesn't make the pain go away completely for me. Then again, I may not have put it on with the right amount of tension Friday. It's hard to say. But, the bright side, I was able to jog, not run, for 30 seconds without sharp stabbing pain. I felt a dull pain though. Again, not sure if this is because of not putting it on correctly or what.

Today, however, I put the KT tape on around 12 and wore it for a few hours before working out at 4pm. I was walking at a pretty good clip without any noticeable pain. Which was nice. I was walking pretty slow last week.

Also, my research to prevent shin splints has lead me to Women's Health's website. I read an article written by Michelle Andrews who prescribed The Toe Tussle. (When I first read the description I had that blank stare..."what???")

Thank goodness for reading it's a breakdown:

Sit in a chair where your legs are making a 90 degree angle with your thighs. Basically, correct posture. Now, tap your toes slowly. I knew I was doing it right when I felt the muscles on my shin doing the work and not my calf muscles.

Here is a link to the article: Toe Tussle

Can you do a 100?  I can't...yet!



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