This number is derived from my last visit to them to this visit. I don't do regular weigh-ins. I can't, it's too frustrating and just to see that it dropped 7 on their scale was enough for me.
This was of course taking into consideration holidays and getting sick and knocking me out of commission. (It irks me to no end to get sick but sometimes it's beyond my control.)
Now that I'm on antibiotics, I'm hoping taking it easy this weekend will give me a jump start to a better week next week. Last week stunk with working really long hours and being sick- the gym just was gonna have to wait. But, the gym is mine. I'm so determined to be back into a bathing suit this summer. Even if I don't go to a pool or the beach, just knowing that I could and not be so self-conscious would be enough for me!
I just have to get back in my zone and I'll see the weight start melting. I'm. So. Stinkin'. Ecstatic!
Here are a few changes I've already seen myself:
I have kneecaps again. Seriously. I can see an actual kneecap where it's supposed to be instead of what looked like an elephant's leg before.
My panties are baggin'! It's weird to say it but it's a milestone none the less.
My nice trouser jeans are too big, I have to wear a belt. I love having to wear a belt. It's fantastic.
Little changes are making it worth it. I'd rather do it this way than being given an easy way out.
Have a good one!